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No need to adjust your screen this really is a
two-faced cat
Venus the Amazing Chimera cat has two completely different shades of fur on her face.

Air Algerie plane with 110 passengers and six crew reportedly crashes after losing contact with air traffic control over Mali after taking off from Burkina Faso to Algeria

What do real Aliens look like?

People have been googling this term a lot lately, especially since the Transformers 3 Official trailer came out regarding the alien moon base, and how Apollo 11 mission wasn’t really to land on the moon, but to investigate the Megatron spaceship, as in reality the ruined alien moon base which was known since Sputnik 1. I have discussed about the Alien Moon base on here. But, if there is an alien moon base on the moon with ufo's and proof of alien space ships, then there must be evidence of the aliens themselves, like photographs, video files and journals of their world? What type of technology they used, do aliens believe in god, and how do they really think? Are they compassionate like us? NASA has captured man footage of UFO's and Aliens in their above top secret Vault, but, those vault are only to be accessed by CIA, and Knights of Malta. Not even the president has that authority to look. 

First, you have to not think like a human in order to understand the real aliens. Like according to Dr. Michio Kakku, and his three types of civilizations in the Universe, where the third type won’t even recognize us as humans or even our planet earth swarming with life, because we might be like ants in a jungle for such aliens. When was the last time you stopped on a street to watch ants go about their business? If we are talking about advance aliens, we must then increase our thinking and conscious level to another plain. UFO. Don’t think they can just do magic and go from one planet to another by just sheer force of their thinking. Those advance beings are of 4th and 5th dimension, not ours.

Since we are discussing the advance alien life of just the 3rd dimension then we must stay within our boundaries. For example: If we use copper writing system in our planes, rockets and jets, than our advance aliens will use fiber optics, or the next stage of transmission, Cilia-Synthetic, a light based transmission, but much faster than Fiber optics, as Cilia-Synthetic will be made of pure 24K gold. Expensive, yes, in a traditional economical stand point, but I do not believe the aliens run their world on such system of trade, currency and zero-sum games. According to my meditation and linking with the other world, using pure 24K gold will not only transmit information at a much faster rate, but, it will also increase the flow of light photons, as photons have no mass, and with the minerals of 2
4K gold, it will get a nos boost in its system.

The advance aliens will only be masters in the ‘art of detachment’, but they will know the truth and reality of life and relationships, as they are nothing but emotions, which are electric circuit in the brain, and if you can re-wire those circuit on command, you will never shed a tear for a lost girlfriend, or dead wife and family members. You’ll be able to forget them in an instant and move to the next person. We humans grief over everything, including that promotion we didn’t get at work, because do can not control our wiring system. This is why we are just at level 0, like the ants in the jungle. I am writing about even far more advance aliens than these in KYIRUX III: The White Gates
black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole  black hole
When Alice falls into the rabbit hole , she experiences a host of "curiouser and curiouser" phenomena. She gets smaller, she gets bigger, she almost drowns in a sea of her own tears and she meets an assembly of strange creatures. As it turns out, falling into a black hole may rival the strange experiences described by Lewis Carroll in his classic fantasy. Unlike Alice, however, who emerges from her adventures no worse for the wear, a person who journeys into one of the universe's most mysterious objects is not likely to fare so well. To understand why, it will help to define what a black hole is and how it interacts with the universe around it.
Astronomers have only observed black holes indirectly, yet they can paint a clear picture, albeit one based on circumstantial evidence. They feel certain, for example, that black holes indicate regions where matter has been compressed into an infinite density. The gravity of such a region is so strong that nothing can escape its inexorable pull, not even light. As matter and light fall into the superdense region, X-rays and other forms of electromagnetic energy get blasted into space. It's this cosmic ejecta that alerts astronomers to the existence of these mysterious monsters.
Like monsters we can see, black holes come in different sizes. 
Astronomers measure this using something known as the Schwarzschild radius. That radius describes the size of the event horizon, the spherical boundary of a black hole. The greater the object's mass, the larger its event horizon and the larger its radius. Regardless of how massive it is, a black hole's center point is what astronomers call a singularity -- a place where matter is infinitely dense.
Of course, you'll have to find one of these objects if you're going to fall into it. We'll search for one next.

satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet-satellite internet
Satellites stay in their orbits thanks in part to the Earth's squashed shape – something we have only just discovered.
Our planet is ringed with more than 1000 working satellites, plus thousands of tonnes of space junk, and for the most part they stay up there quite happily. But surprisingly, it is only now that we properly understand why.

Ideally, a tiny satellite orbiting a perfectly spherical planet will remain there forever, assuming nothing nearby disturbs it. But Earth is not a perfect sphere, and there are plenty of other objects that can disturb artificial satellites in low-Earth orbit – first and foremost, the moon. According to the laws of motion, the moon's influence alone should cause satellites to crash into the Earth's atmosphere, where they would burn up.

Saving grace

It turns out that Earth's imperfections are a satellite's saving grace. Because of its rotation, Earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges around the equator.

According to computer simulations and analysis by Scott Tremaine at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and Tomer Yavetz of Princeton University, the gravitational pull of that bulge shifts satellites' orbits over time, preventing tugs from the moon and other sources from pulling them too far in one direction or another. If the Earth were closer to being a perfect sphere, many satellites would crash into the atmosphere and burn up in a matter of months or years.

"It's interesting that there are lots of things that could destabilise low-Earth orbits, but that things happen to combine in such a way that we have a good environment for satellites," says Gregory Laughlin, a physicist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was not involved with this research. "It makes you pause to think a little bit – when you look in detail at how things work, you can find surprises."

leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragonSea dragons are some of the most ornately camouflaged creatures on the planet. Adorned with gossamer, leaf-shaped appendages over their entire bodies, they are perfectly outfitted to blend in with the seaweed and kelp formations they live amongst.
Endemic to the waters off south and east Australia, leafy and weedy sea dragons are closely related to seahorses and pipefish. Leafies are generally brown to yellow in body color with spectacular olive-tinted appendages. Weedies have less flamboyant projections and are usually reddish in color with yellow spots.
leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragonSea dragons have very long, thin snouts; slender trunks covered in bony rings; and thin tails which, unlike their seahorse cousins, cannot be used for gripping. They have small, transparent dorsal and pectoral fins that propel and steer them awkwardly through the water, but they seem quite content to tumble and drift in the current like seaweed. Leafies grow to a length of about 14 inches (35 centimeters), while the slightly larger weedies can grow up to 18 inches (46 centimeters) long.
leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon
As with sea horses, sea dragon males are responsible for childbearing. But instead of a pouch, like sea horses have, male sea dragons have a spongy brood patch on the underside of the tail where females deposit their bright-pink eggs during mating. The eggs are fertilized during the transfer from the female to the male. The males incubate the eggs and carry them to term, releasing miniature sea dragons into the water after about four to six weeks.
leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragon leafy sea dragonSea dragons survive on tiny crustaceans such as mysids, or sea lice. It is not known if they are preyed upon by other animals. They are, however, frequently taken by divers seeking to keep them as pets. In fact, such takings shrank their numbers so critically by the early 1990s that the Australian government placed a complete protection on both species. Pollution and habitat loss have also hurt their numbers, and they are currently listed as near threatened.
